Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Started off before sunrise this morning.  Took a little while before I ran into the cold front.

But I finally did.  It started snowing.

Then it snowed harder and the wind picked up.

Then it started to accumulate.

Fortunately it didn't last long.  It stopped almost as fast as it started.  Had snow on and off for a while.  Here is the view from  the Montana / Idaho line on I-90.

Lookout Pass on I-90.

After a while it cleared up nicely and the sun came out.  It just got VERY windy.  At the Washington Weight Station got stopped for a Level II Inspection.  Passed with flying colors.  Stopped for the night at the Flying J Truck Stop in Ellensburg, WA.  It is still incredibly windy.  When I was in the restaurant the wind was making the building howl.  My truck is really rocking!!  

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