Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Got started very early again this morning and drove up to Laramie, WY.  On the way over the mountain just before Laramie on I-80 it was snowing. Lots of black ice.  The sanders were out in force doing a great job.  Elevation there was 8,500 feet.  To put it in perspective, Denver is 5,300 feet, and a mile is 5,280 feet.

Then down 1,000 feet, 5 miles on a 5% grade to Laramie.

I got to Laramie a little early so I went to the truck stop to wait.  It was snowing pretty good there.

Then I went over to deliver.  Detached.  Then the darned machine wouldn't start!!  Parr for the course!!  Blew lots of black smoke, but wouldn't start.  Fortunately, it had stopped snowing.

They couldn't figure it out so Caterpillar had to send a service truck out.

He was able to fix the thing and finally get it off my trailer.  Only took 6 1/2 hours!!  My next load is up in Gillette, WY. Drove up there to the Flying J truck stop for the night.

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