Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Left Cullman, AL this morning after sunrise.  Was going to get to Nashville, TN a little too early (can't go through until after nine) so I stopped and had some breakfast.  On the other side of the Interstate at the exit a crash had just occurred.  The front end of a car, with an elderly woman in the drivers seat, was gone!  It was scattered all over the interstate.  From the windshield forward was gone!  There were several other vehicles stopped over there but I couldn't tell what hit her.  I pulled into the truck stop and had breakfast.

After I finished eating I got back on the road.  Very nice day.  Stopped at the TA truck stop in Walton, Kentucky for the night.  Had to stop a little early because my Ohio permit does not start until tomorrow.  I can sleep in tomorrow.  Can't go through Cincinnati until after nine.

While I was typing this tonight I heard a tapping noise on the side of the truck.  I got up and looked out the front driver's side window into the mirror to see what was there.  A red cardinal was attacking his reflection in the window on the sleeper.  Never a dull moment.

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