Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Left the truck stop this morning and drove to Baker, Florida to deliver.  This stuff was going to the high school.  When we arrived they had not done any of the site prep.  We had to wait in the road until they took down the gates and fencing. The crane was in already but the crane support trucks, there were two, were stuck behind us.

They had to remove a gate and a bunch of chain link fence.  Once they finished clearing the way, we went in.  It was a very tight squeeze.  He is 103 feet long.  I'm only 82 feet long.

We both had to drive up on the grass next to the wood fence to round the corner.

After we got in there the crane support trucks could finally get in.  They put the crane together and unloaded the tank from the other truck first.  Then it was my turn to back in and get unloaded.

My next load is in Pensacola.  The load that I thought I had was canceled but I got a different one instead.  Unfortunately it doesn't load until Thursday.  Went to the Kangaroo that has some truck parking in Pensacola to wait until Thursday. 

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