Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Got up early and drove the hour drive over to Thomasville.  Of course it wasn't ready when I got there.  Had to wait two hours.  Finally got loaded with a boiler and some parts that are going to Annaheim, California.  Just as I was finishing they had a fire drill.  See everyone standing outside?  Glad they waited until I was out of the building.

Got out of there and on the road.  Going through Mississippi I saw a funnel cloud in a thunderstorm just to the south of I-10.  It was so cool!!  It didn't make it all the way down to the ground.  Only about half way.

I got cut off four times today and saw a car on the other side of the interstate get run off the road into the median.  Fortunately he kept control and there was no crash.

Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Egan, Louisiana. Won't start real early tomorrow.  Curfew in Beaumont, Texas so I can't get there before 9 am.

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