Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

At sunrise drove in to Rimersburg, PA to deliver the excavator.  It was about 15 miles down the typical Pennsylvania back road.  Two lanes of up and down, twists and turns, and blind curves.  Made it with no problems.  Backed in off the road to an area that had been plowed but was just solid ice.  Attempted to detach the trailer but all I did was spin the tires.  There was a Caterpillar wheel loader with fork lift attachment where the bucket goes sitting there.  The guy working there used it to push me back out of there.  Went back out on the road and blocked one lane while I unloaded.  What a mess!!!  Got it off and the trailer put back together.  Then the problem was that I had to turn around to get back out.   I ended up backing down the road to a small parking area that had not been plowed. I was barely able to turn around.  But I did it.  From there I drove over to the "Home Office" in Carlisle, PA for the rest of the weekend.  Supposed to get anywhere between 1 and 6 inches of wet snow tonight and into tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow night is the annual "Safety Banquet".  I am going to that, although I don't really know where it is.  I think it is somewhere near Harrisburg.  

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