Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Left this morning and drove up to Questa, New Mexico to a mine that was being shut down.  I was to load a Ford F-650 and two excavator buckets. They are going to Lockport, Illinois.  I met the person from the mine out on the road at a Chevron station.  She had to check me out and my truck.  The safety regulations in place by the company are absolutely ridiculous!!  She had to make sure all my lights worked, there was no cracks in the windshield, I had a 5 pound fire extinguisher, and a first aid kit.  I had to have steel toed boots, long sleeve shirt, safety vest, hard hat, gloves, and safety glasses.  Then we went in to load.  When we got to where the stuff was they didn't have a way to get the truck on my trailer.  So we loaded the two buckets.  Now here is the really stupid regulation!  I was not allowed to get on my truck trailer to secure the buckets.  Had to do it standing on the ground!!!  STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm all in favor of doing things safely but there is a point at which it becomes totally asinine!!!!!  So I rigged a couple chains to hold them in place until I got off their property so I could properly secure them.  Now how safe is that?????  STUPID!!!!!!   Then we drove about 5 to 10 miles to another location where they had a loading ramp.  My trailer was higher than the ramp so they had to build it up so they could drive the truck up on my trailer.  Once that was done I measured the height.  Too high!!  14 feet 4 inches. (13 feet 6 inches is highest legal)  After several phone calls and waiting around for a decision, they finally decided to get permits for being over height. Secured the truck and left.  Drove to a section of road that had a pull off.  There I finished securing the load. How freggin' stupid!!!  Can you tell I was (AND STILL AM) pissed???

Didn't have any permits yet but I wasn't staying there so I left.  Drove to a truck stop in Walsenburg, Colorado for the night.  I'll wait here until my permits get here.  Also no camera because Sprint sucks here.

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