Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Left this morning way too early.  My brain said go but my body disagreed.  I wanted to get through the desert before it got too hot.  It was supposed to get to 117 F (47.22 C).  Did ok for the first hour but then had to stop for a nap.  Then continued on.  In New Mexico went through two separate thunderstorms.  Each with heavy rain and pea sized hail.  Stopped for the weekend at the TA truck stop in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I was not real happy with the restaurant here tonight. Still very tired and hungry, I wanted to eat and go to bed. I sat at a booth and got no service.  So I went to the salad bad and made a salad.  I was half way through eating it when she finally took my order. I also asked for some napkins. Never did get any napkins.  Made two trips to other empty tables to steal theirs. After finishing my salad and waiting for a long time I still did not get my order, or napkins.  I canceled my order and left.  And NO, I did not pay for anything.  I have very little tolerance for poor service in a restaurant. Unfortunately it happens to single people all the time.  After my salad dinner, as I was about to step out into the parking lot a bolt of lightening struck in the parking lot in front of me.  It was really cool!!!!

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