Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

This morning went over to the John Deere dealer in Jacksonville and loaded a John Deere 310E Articulating Dump Truck that is going to Dubuque, Iowa.  

My trailer ABS light was on ever since I left the Daily yard this morning so after I loaded I went back to the Daily yard so the mechanic could fix it.  Here was the culprit!!

As soon as I pulled out of the yard my truck blew a break chamber.  Had to go to the end of the road to turn around.  Went back to the yard again and had the break chamber replaced.  We are so lucky to have one of the best mechanics working for us.  He really is good.  Finally everything was working again and off I went again.  

A little south of the Macon bypass on I-75 had a little pick up cut me off right in front of a cop.  And you know what he did?

NOTHING.  Now if I had done that he would have had an orgasm pulling me over!!!  

Had some bumper to bumper traffic on the north side of Atlanta.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Cartersville, Georgia.  Got here with only 4 minutes to spare.  Barely got a parking place.

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