Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Left at sunrise this morning and drove in to McDonough, Georgia.  Wasn't very lucky today.  LOTS of bumper to bumper traffic going through Atlanta. Finally made it and delivered the excavator.  When I got there I saw that the amber beacon on the drivers side of the trailer was missing.  When I went back there to see what happened I saw that it had broken at the base and was hanging by the wires.  I cut the wires and put the beacon in the cab to fix later.  Since I didn't have another load yet I went over to the TA truck stop in Jackson, GA.  Both my truck and trailer were due for inspection so I took it to the shop and had that done.  Had them also grease both of them too.  While they were doing that I replaced the beacon on the trailer and also did some preventive maintenance on the two beacons on the back of the truck.  All working as they should now.

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