Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Left Joplin, MO just before sunrise this morning.  Got back on the phone and started calling Cummins repair shops to try to find one that could work on my generator.  Dallas and Ft. Worth were booked up into September.  Houston never did call me back after several attempts and leaving messages.  San Antonio could take me but not until the 25th.  Oklahoma City was the winner!!  I went to the Daily terminal on OKC and dropped my trailer.  Then went to the Cummins shop and they took my generator out.  I am still 5th in line to get fixed. Then went back to the Daily terminal.  Tried to plug in there but couldn't.  Kept popping the breakers.  So I went to a campground for the night.  I am right in the heart of tornado ally.  Thought you would like to see what a tornado shelter looks like.  Here is the one at the Daily terminal.  

Here is the inside.

Not very exciting.  

The RV park that I am in is very close to Tinker Air Force Base.  This was doing touch n' go's this afternoon.

Close up.

I'll deliver tomorrow then head back to OKC for my generator.

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