Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Left at 4 this morning and drove down to Virginia Beach.  There were 4 aircraft carriers in port at Norfolk Navy Base this morning.  

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One of these ships was in there too.

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The business where I loaded this morning had a model railroad out front.  It was really cool. 

Loaded a Caterpillar D3516C Generator that is going to Manassas, Virginia.  It weighs 80,000 pounds (36,287 kg).  Loaded, I am 14 feet, 5 inches (439 cm) high and 11 feet, 9 inches (358 cm) wide.  I am 92 feet (28 meters) long.

I have a pole car in front and another escort car in back.

Just as we were about to pull out, my chase car developed an electrical problem.  All his lights and radio went out.  

Spent an hour screwing around trying to fix it.  We were unsuccessful.  They called another car to come meet us.  He was coming from Richmond - about 2 hours away.

While we waited we watched these guys flying in and out of the Navy base. Those jets are really LOUD!!!

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Three hours later the new chase car arrived and we left.  Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Carmel Church, VA.

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