Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Went over to the Caterpillar plant in Montgomery, Illinois first thing this morning.  Loaded a Caterpillar 826K Compactor that is going to Snyder, Texas.  This one had "utility wheels" on it.  I like it when they have those on.  It makes it much easier to load because the machine sits higher.

After securing it to the trailer I go over and weigh the truck.  If everything is good, they take the wheels off and do a few other things.  Then I'm good to go.

As I left there I sent an email to my dispatcher with my scale ticket, dimensions, and told him that I was on the road. A few minutes later he called and said "...don't leave..."  Too late, I was already on the road.  He said that they did not have any way to unload me in Texas and that Caterpillar was saying to stay there until they figure it out. Oh goodie !!!!  So now I had to find a place to turn around.  Easy to do in a car, but not quite so easy with 113,000 pounds (51,256 kg) of truck.  I did and returned.  I sat there the rest of the day.  At quitin' time my dispatcher called and said that they still have not got it figured out yet and to stay there for the weekend.   I backed the trailer in a spot in the back of the yard and dropped it there.

Drove back to the TA truck stop in Morris, Illinois for the rest of the weekend.  It is the closest truck stop and it is 45 minutes away.  

Now it's FOOTBALL TIME!!!!!  Except the Gators are off this week.  Still have the rest of the SEC to watch.

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