Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Left LaGrange a half hour after sunrise this morning.  Heavy overcast and occasional light rain.  Breezy, but no big deal.  Drove to the Caterpillar dealer in Macon to deliver the machine.  Had to wait an hour and a half for the tire guy to get there.  When he got there we found out that they shipped the machine without any lug nuts!!  After waiting another hour for them to figure out what to do, they finally decided to take a few lug nuts off another machine and put them on my machine so it could be unloaded.  Got the thing off and the trailer put back together just as the first rain bands started to get to Macon. I left there and started to head home by way of Savannah.  Here is what the radar looked like.

Passed at least a hundred power company trucks that were going toward the storm.  The overhead message boards looked like this.

Just out of Macon drove through a real heavy rain band.  Was windy and could hardly see the road.  It didn't last long.  The rest of the way home was not bad at all.  Traffic on I-16 was light.  It was heavier on I-95, but it always is.  Made it home to Jacksonville without any problems.  I will be here for about three weeks.  Having surgery next week, then a little re-coop time.  Hope to be back as soon as possible.

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