Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Left a half hour before sunrise.  Overcast with rain on and off all day.  At least the temperatures were in the 70s.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Denmark, Tennessee.  When I got there found that my rear beacon shorted out.  Looks like it got water in it.  Tried to fix it, in the rain, but wasn't able to.  Had to replace it.  By the time I was fiinished I was soaked to the skin. Changed clothes and went in for dinner.  It took over a half hour to get a cheese burger and fries.  It wasn't right and I sent it back.  Took another half hour to get the new one.  Wanted hot apple pie and ice cream for desert.  After waiting another fifteen minutes for it I decided that I wasn't going to wait any longer.  I had had enough!!  Paid for the crap that I ate and left.  Unbelievable!!!  I can drive at night in Tennessee so I'll leave here at 4 am tomorrow.

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