Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Found out that my refrigerator quit working.  Went over to the truck wash at 2 am and got the truck washed, I was 3rd in line.  At 3 am I was done and left to continue my journey to South Charleston, West Virginia.  Got there at 7:30 and loaded a water pump motor that is going to a power plant in Rockport, Indiana.

The reason it is up on blocks is that there is a part that sticks out under it.

Then it had to be tarped.

Left there and headed toward Indiana.  Stopped along the way and bought a new refrigerator.  Then drove to the Flying J truck stop in Waddy, Kentucky.  Couldn't go any further because I didn't have an Indiana Permit yet.  While doing my post trip inspection I found I had a flat tire.  There is a  place on the other side of the Interstate that can fix it, but there were 3 others ahead of me.  So I waited at the Flying J.  Went inside to the Denny's to have dinner.  They sat me, left a menu, and never came back.  I watched several other people get seated, their drinks brought and their orders taken.  Me?...nothing!!!  Once again I was ignored.  I'm exhausted, my back hurts, and I'm very hungry.  I did not need that tonight.   I let them know how I felt as I walked out - like they really care!!  I'll figure out where to eat later.  My Indiana permit finally came in, but too late to go anywhere.  
Here is the culprit of my flat tire.

I finally gt to bed at 8:30.  Good night!!!

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