Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tuesday, October, 30, 2019

Once again, the day started off great!  We left a half hour before sunrise this morning. Shortly after we got on the road the snow started.  It was heavy, wet snow but it was sticking to the roads.  Enough came down that the plows were out doing their thing.  Passed about 5 cars that had spun out in the median in different places along the way.  Fortunately we drove out of the snow in about an hour and a half.  Then it rained.  Stopped to get fuel at the TA truck stop in Effingham, Illinois.  Found this...

Checked in at the truck shop at the TA.  I was third in line.  I parked the truck, dropped the trailer, then waited.  When I finally got into the shop, this is what was in my tire...

So I got 2 new tires.

Parked for the night.  Hope tomorrow goes better.  Get another escort car tomorrow when we get to Kentucky.  So I'll have my pole car and a chase car.  Good!!

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