Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

Left at sunrise this morning.  My South Dakota permit expired yesterday.  Sent an email before I left telling my dispatcher that.  When I got to South Dakota I still didn't have my new permit.  I sent another email telling them I was at South Dakota.  I kept going anyway.  I saw on the Daily Express web site, where I can check the status of my permits, that my SD permit was not even ordered until 6 minutes AFTER I had entered South Dakota.  Fortunately I was not going to cross any State weigh stations.  Roads were not bad today.  The plows were out doing clean up work.  Glad I waited until today.  The worst road was the last one.  A little over 50 miles of mostly ice.  Here is a very short, edited video of part of it.

Stopped at a small truck stop in Wolsey, South Dakota for the night.  Still don't have my South Dakota permit.  This is what I look like now...

I deliver about an hour from here.  This is the closest place to park.  Still getting over this cold or flu so I'm going to take a nap.

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