Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The rain changed to snow last night.  Maybe an inch or two fell.  When I got up it was still snowing but by the time I finished breakfast it had stopped.  I left a little after sunrise.  I started off west bound on I-90.  The winds changed direction from yesterday.  Very heavy wind from the north and blowing the snow that fell last night.  The plows were out and doing a pretty good job of keeping the road open.  I didn't get to where I wanted to today.  The wind and blowing snow were just too much.   I thought that if I continued on my permit might be in jeopardy due to the conditions.  Plus, I was at the point where my permit route took me off the Interstate and on back roads.  Wasn't sure how the road conditions were on them.  So I decided to give it another day for conditions to improve, and for me to feel better. The extra sleep I have been getting has really helped. I stopped at a small truck stop in Worthington, Minnesota.  There is a pretty good restaurant here.  Here is an edited time-lapse video of a little bit of the roads and where I stopped for the day.


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