Monday, February 17, 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

The snow we got last night was just a dusting and with the wind, it just blew away.  I-80 was still closed this morning.

By 1 PM MST it was looking much better.  

About 2 PM MST Interstate 80 opened!!!!  

Everyone was leaving all a the same time.  Several hundred trucks trying to get on the road, not only from here but from everywhere there was truck parking, all at the same time.  Grid lock!!  The cops were even out there trying to direct traffic.  It took over an hour to get everyone out.  

I opted to stay put until tomorrow.  Since I can only drive during daylight hours I wouldn't be able to get very far today before parking would become an issue again.  Since I had a spot here and food available, I decided that waiting would be the best option. Plus there is high pressure settling in on top of us, so more snow is not forecast until later on in the week.  The wind and drifting snow is the only thing to be concerned about. I hope I made the right decision.  You never know out here.

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