Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

We left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  We were making real good time.  Then about 40 miles from Limon, Colorado he had a tire on his trailer blow out.  He was able to limp it all the way to Limon.  We stopped at the TA truck stop there and got a new tire. That took about 2 1/2 hours.  

By this time we were pushed for time to beat the Denver curfew that started at 3 pm.  We left there and made it to Denver.  Then bumper to bumper traffic.  Once we got past that mess we continued to the Vestas plant in Brighton, Colorado.  We checked in at the guard shack and parked in the truck parking lot.  Took off all the chains and straps to be ready for our 7 am unloading appointment tomorrow.  Just as I was starting to settle in for the night they called on the phone and said to go in and unload.  I was overjoyed!!!  They called us both in.  When I got in I was 8th in line to unload.  It went fairly fast.  They used a huge fork lift to unload instead of a crane.  That makes it a whole lot faster.  After I got empty I drove back to the TA truck stop in Commerce City for the night.  Thoroughly exhausted and hurting all over again, all I wanted to do was eat, shower and sleep.   They had 3 restaurants here.  Only Popeye's Chicken was open.  How stupid!!!!  I wasn't eating that crap.  Had to wait 30 minutes to get my shower.  After that, I had Grub Hub bring me food.  OH!!   and while unloading, I smacked my right elbow on something.  I think I may have chipped a bone in there.  Whatever I did, it hurts like the devil!!!  Can't do much with that arm.  Always something.  

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