Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Left at sunrise this morning.  When I got to the Maryland state line I met my Maryland pilot escort car.  He fell in behind me as we continued on.  Fortunately had no traffic issues going around Washington DC.  At the Virginia state line my escort car dropped off as I continued on.  In the Fredericksburg area had about 10 miles of bumper to bumper traffic.  Then another few miles of bumper to bumper traffic a little north of Richmond.  After that it was smooth sailing down to Wilson, North Carolina.  At the job site a guy came out and met me on the main road.  He said that one of the trucks had arrived and was in there already.  He said that they had a hard time getting him in.  They had made a construction entrance that was curvy and narrow.  They built it for normal construction traffic, not extra long trailers.  On either side of the gravel temporary road it was very soft mud.  

Construction Road
There was one really difficult spot to go through.  It doesn't look very bad in the photo below but trust me, it was.  On a slight curve had to go over a culvert with running water flowing through it.   Directly across it there was a power pole with 2 metal poles around it.  I made it through with 1/4 inch clearance of the load on the left, and less than 6 inches from my right trailer tires going into the culvert.   Quite a "pucker factor" .  

Section with the culvert and power pole
I dropped my trailer in there.  The crane is already set up and the other trailer is in there too.  These units have to be unloaded in a specific order.  Thank God, mine is the first!!!  

Where I dropped my trailer until Monday

Monday morning should be quick to get out.  After dropping my trailer I left and went o the Kenly 95 truck stop until Monday.

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