Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Ten years ago today I started this blog.  I started it to give my family and friends a place to go to keep up with me, where I am, and what I'm doing. Since then I have added readers from over 50 different countries around the world.  I enjoy hearing your comments and like to know exactly where you all are from.   I never expected anything like that to happen.  Thank you.

I left the Flying J as soon as my 10 hours was up.  That was 2 am CDT.  While on the way, I looked at my paperwork for tomorrow's load.  Much to my surprise, The machine was at the Daily yard in Morton, Illinois and not at the Caterpillar plant.  That was a very good thing!!!   I drove there.  I was the only person at the Daily yard.  Loaded a Caterpillar D7R Dozer that is going to North Canton, Ohio.

I was finished at 10:15 this morning.  Settled in for the rest of the day.  I don't have any of my permits yet so I can't leave right away in the morning.

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