Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

 As soon as my 10 hours were up I left.  Drove to Cushing, Oklahoma.  Went to a tank farm that they were expanding.  This place was a very difficult place to get into and out of.  On the map, it looked like it was no problem, but in reality, it was a nightmare!!   I have no idea how they got all the materials in there to build everything.  Anyway, I got there right at 6:30 am. Had to wait for the crane to get there.  It arrived at about 9:30.  Then we had to go do their COVID stuff.  After that over to get a safety briefing and vehicle pass.  Once all that stuff was done the crane went in and got set up.  The area was all the way around back.  Very tight getting in.  Every turn  I had to back up a couple times to make it around the corner. It was like that on all the roads getting in and out too.  Once I got to the crane, they attached the rigging to the genset.  Then waited.  The "safety" guys at the job site didn't like the rigging.  Honestly, I didn't either.  So they disassembled everything and started over.  To make a very long story short, they finally got the correct rigging attached and lifted the genset off and placed it where it will live for the rest of it's life.  All that took over 7 hours. Then I had to back out.  I did and got myself turned around and made my way to the entrance that I went in.  It was the only one.  I tried to get out multiple times but couldn't make it around the corner.  They had to remove a pole so I could get out.  To make another very long story short, it took an hour to get to a main road.  At one point I had to back up 3/4 mile because the road was closed and nowhere to turn around.  By the time I got down to I-40, I had run out of hours.  Had to go on "Personal Conveyance" to get to the closest truck stop.  I stopped at the Love's truck stop in Seminole, Oklahoma.  This place was so small.  It only had about 6 truck parking places. I was lucky to get one.  Wiggled my way into it and settled in for my 10 hours.  As soon as they are up, I'm outa here!!  Heading to Jonesboro, Arkansas to load in the morning.

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