Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022

 Left a half-hour before sunrise this morning.  Real good day on the road, for the most part.  Not too many traffic slow-downs going through Dallas.  My permit route going around Houston was a pain in the butt!!   Lots of construction and stop lights!!  Of course, I got only 3 green lights the whole way.  Being over-height I understand why I was routed that way.  There are a LOT of low bridges in Houston.  Still, it was a pain!!!  I finally made it down to Galveston.  There were a couple cruise ships in port today.  I delivered the tractor.  Being low on hours, I parked in the parking area across from the entrance to the Port for the night.  I load tomorrow morning in San Antonio.  I'll be there when they open.

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