Friday, August 5, 2022

Friday, August 5, 2022

 The guy that was supposed to be here this morning decided to go to another job and didn't bother telling Daily that they weren't coming.  Daily got pissed and told them to go (I'll be nice) pound sand.  Daily got someone else.  After getting it all set up, they said that they don't work on my type of trailer.  So Daily got someone else.  At noon no one had shown up.  Daily tried getting in touch with the guy but he was not answering the phone and not returning phone calls or emails.  SO, Daily started to try to find someone else. At 3:15 this afternoon the guy finally got here!!

Here is the blown air bag.

And here is the new one.

Once all that was done I went over to the Petro truck stop in Atlanta for the night.  

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