Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday, August 11, 2022

 Left at 2 AM this morning and drove the rest of the way to the Port of Baltimore and delivered the stuff.  When I started the truck at the Port, it happened again...

I was supposed to reload at the Port.  I notified the Daily shop and after several discussions they decided to have me not reload but go instead up to the "home office" and get a new truck.  They want to take this one back to International (where they bought it from) so they can deal with it. I drove up to Carlisle and started to swap into the new truck.  In the middle of that, the shop manager wanted to try something that we had discussed.  Re-ducting the APU air conditioning to try to get better performance out of it.  It was actually my idea and he liked it.  When that work was done, I continued swapping over into the new truck.  I stopped for the night when I just couldn't go on any longer.  Only about half way finished.  After much needed sleep, I'll continue.  I know, the outside is dirty.

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