Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023

 As soon as my 10 hours were up, I left.   Pushed it hard today.  Drove all the way to Rock Mount, Virginia, and delivered.  Just in time too.  Had 0 hours left on my clock for today.  The last part of the drive was the worst.  My permit had me go off the good road onto back roads that were narrow, hilly, and winding!!  They were so bad I didn't think I'd get out again.  Have no idea why they routed me that way. 

629 miles today.  Then went a couple miles up the road to a small truck stop.  While doing my post-trip inspection found a wiring mess underneath and a bunch of trailer lights were shorting out.   

Had road service come out to fix the mess.

I went to bed while he fixed the trailer.  Good night.  I'm exhausted!!!!

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