Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Drove to Iliff, CO, that's in the north east corner of Colorado. Went to a cow farm.  The place stunk like cow poo.  It took 2 3/4 hours to get the stuff off the trailer.  Most of that time was me sitting there waiting for them to do it.  Hurt my back unstrapping it too. 

Finally got on the road to Denver.  Delivered the stone slabs.  Then drove to a place in Denver to pick up a backhoe that goes to Miami, FL.  It took forever to get that thing on too.  By the time I was ready to leave I was really tired, had a headache, my back still hurt, and I was filthy from all the dust & dirt.  I drove to the TA in west Denver on I-70, ate, showered, and slept  Good night!!

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