Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Got up at 3am local time so I could get on the road and deliver today.  That idea didn't work because as soon as I looked out the window and saw the freezing rain I knew I wasn't going anywhere.  Turned on the TV to get the local weather and also looked on the Internet at the Montana DOT web site to see the road travel conditions.  Their web site is excellent and is constantly updated with current weather and road advisories.  Also looked at the weather radar.  All the info I was getting was not good.  I'll drive in anything except freezing rain.  I decided to go back to bed.  

Woke up a few hours later and checked all the places I checked before and I went inside the truck stop and asked them if they had heard how the roads are.  MDOT faxes them the current road advisories so they had the same info I had.  I went back to the truck and back to bed.

At about 11:30 local time I still was not getting much better reports.  Went in the truck stop and there were 3 DOT snow plow trucks there taking a break.  I asked them how the roads were?  They said they were wet but not bad.  That gave me a bit of hope.  Went back to the truck and looked at the Montana DOT web site again.  Everything ahead was still not good.  Chains were still required for Lookout Pass.  Lookout Pass is right at the  Montana / Idaho state line.  I decided that I was tired of waiting so I left and got on the road.

Here are a few photos of the view.

As I got closer to Lookout Pass the weather got worse.  Rain, then rain/snow mix, then snow.  Passed a small avalanche site that had been cleaned up .  Was about 100 to 200 feet long and about 6 to 12 feet deep.  As I got to Lookout Pass I pulled into the chain up area with the other trucks I found out that the chain up law had just been lifted.  GREAT! Perfect timing!!  So I got back out on the road.
Here I am passing a snow plow:

Here is a view just after I topped Lookout Pass and starting back down the other side. 

Drove into Spokane, Washington to the Petro truck stop for the night.  I deliver about 100 miles from here tomorrow morning.

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