Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Left Casper, Wyoming early this morning.  The interstate was really icy.  It was cold again, -17 degrees.  After a while the roads got better.  Got pulled in at the Butte, Montana weigh station for a Level III inspection.  No problems at all and the DOT cop loved my computer log book.  So do I  !!  

Didn't hit any weather until about 40 miles before I was stopping for the night.  Then it started to snow, and snow it did!!  The road covered up really fast!

Stopped for the night in Missoula, Montana at a truck stop.  The weather forecast is not good.  Supposed to get 3 to 4 inches of snow then change over to freezing rain.  I'm not moving if there is freezing rain tomorrow.  Too many mountains to go over.  So we will see what happens.

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