Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Left the TA at 5:30 this morning and drove in to Lyndhurst, NJ and hooked back up to my trailer.  Untarped it.  Timed it perfectly, they were ready around back at the crane to unload.  Drove around back, untied the "box" and they started to rig it up to lift off.  Just then got a call from my dispatcher and said to NOT unload and take it over to Bayonne.  Just F'en great!!  They took off all the crane stuff, and just as I started to re-secure it back to my trailer the heavens opened up and it poured rain.  Well that just made me a whole lot happier than I already was. I was wetter than Shamu, soaked to the skin!!  After I finished, went into the truck changed clothes, dried up, and cooled off a bit.  Then I waited for confirmation from Bayonne that I was defiantly going there.  Got the confirmation and off I went.  When I arrived in Bayonne the crane was already there and they were setting it up.  Parked in front of it and untied the "box' again.  This time it wasn't raining.  Just as they were ready to lift it started to rain again.  Glad my part was done. 

They finally got the thing off and I got out of there. Drove down to the TA truck stop in Baltimore, MD.  Traffic was heavy from the moment I started this morning to the moment I stopped for the night.  Next load is over at the Daily yard in Baltimore.  I'll get it in the morning.

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