Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Left the Welcome Center at sun up this morning.  Stopped to put a little fuel in at the Pilot truck stop in Haggerstown, MD.  As  I walked back to the truck, after getting my fuel receipt, I saw a lot of fuel running out from under the rear of the engine.  Opened the hood and found that the fuel line had rubbed through at one of the clamps.

I drove around back and parked the truck.  Fortunately the fuel did not run out with the engine off.  Road Service came out and took off the old hose, took it, had a new one made, then installed it.  Truck all better now.  But in Maryland permit loads can not move after 12 noon on Saturdays, so here is where I'll sit until Monday morning.  Made good use of the time.  Did four loads of laundry and took a long hot shower.

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