Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

This morning I went in to load.  Was there at 6:30.  Got loaded and was out of there at 8 am.  Things were going so smoothly, I just knew something would go wrong. I was right.  I stopped at the scale at a Pilot about 48 miles away.  It was the closest scale that I could stop at - because of my permit.  I was WAY overweight. I sat there for an hour while the "desk jockys" figured out what to do. They decided that I had to take it back.  So I drove back and unloaded the machine.  The office wanted an empty weight on my truck and trailer so I drove back to the TA truck stop.  That was 38 miles away.  I scaled up and then had lunch.  Here is the machine:

Then they decided to take the boom off so It would fit on my truck.  I drove back.  They had just finished removing the boom when I got there.  I reloaded the machine and secured it to the trailer.  By now it was getting late so I dropped my trailer there and will return in the morning to get it.  Then I drove bobtail back to the TA truck stop for the night. Drove 230 miles today to go nowhere. So far the weather has not been bad.  It started raining late this afternoon.  Hopefully it won't be as bad as they said it would.  The saga continues...

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