Thursday, August 13, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

 Yesterday I had two great escort cars.  One of them had to leave so they sent another to replace him.  We left a half-hour before sunrise this morning.  Had a good day on the road.  Started off on a 2 lane road.  Made it tricky being as wide as I am.  Really needed those two escort cars.  Found out real fast the replacement was not good at all.  In fact, he was horrible.  Tried to give him some instruction, but none of it worked.  We stopped at the Wyoming Port of Entry.  There were only 2 of them working and doing the job of 6.  Took a half hour to get out of there.  Finally made it to the Flying J truck stop in Evanston, Wyoming for the night.  There I fired the horrible escort car and sent him on his way.  The other escort driver (the good one) called his company and they will have another one sent.  Won't need a second car until we get to Laramie.  Have a detour there where 2 are required.  In spite of that, we got 542 miles under our belt today.

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