Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Drove the rest of the way down to Chula Vista early this morning.  Loaded a Flange that is going to Lansing, Michigan.

While loading found out that it was wider than we thought.  All my permits were ordered with a width of 15 feet.  After measuring it found it to be 15 feet 4 inches wide.

With that revelation, had to reorder all my permits.  That also meant I couldn't leave until my new California permit came in.  Now, this thing is a big round circle.  The geniuses at the California permit office wanted me to turn it on the trailer to make it narrower.  Obviously, you don't have to pass an IQ test to be a Government worker.  My new permits started to come in this afternoon.  By that time I only had an hour and twenty-seven minutes left on my clock.  Not enough time to go anywhere today.  I let my two escort cars know that we weren't going anywhere today.  Then dropped my trailer there and bobtailed over to the Pilot truck stop (that was not on my permit route) for dinner, a much-needed shower, and sleep.  Will be leaving at nine am when the San Diego curfew is over.

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