Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

 I decided to stop and get a hotel for the night.  Stopped in Smithfield, North Carolina. At about 2:00 AM I woke up and decided to get back on the road.  Was having a nice easy drive this morning until I got to mile marker 148, southbound, on I-95 in South Carolina.  Watch the video below and see what happened.

Here is what the car looked like afterward.

Had the Highway Patrol come out and make a report.  Was able to use a strap from my suitcase to tie up the front of the car until I could get to a place to get stuff to hold it better.  

Stopped at a truck stop and got some heavy zip ties and secured it better.

I continued on.  Stopped at the Enterprise Car Rental place at the Jacksonville International Airport and swapped into a different car. Never a dull moment.

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