Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

 At about 7:45 this morning I was finally brought into the shop to get the trailer tire replaced. 

When the tread flung off it wrapped around the axle.

He had to get in there and cut it off.

And here is what was wrapped around the axle.

Once he finished I was on the road.  Drove to the Port of Baltimore with a few places of bumper-to-bumper traffic.  Delivered the wheel loader.  Next drove to the "home office" in Carlisle, PA with a lot more bumper-to-bumper traffic on the way.  This truck is due for several services including a major recall.  They will have the truck for about two weeks (I'll bet it is longer than that) to do all the work. Daily had reserved a rental car for me but with all of the unforeseen delays, I was very late getting there.  Since I was not there to pick up the car when it was reserved for, they gave my car away.  They said that they won't have a car available until sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Great customer service!!  

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