Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 As soon as my 10 hours were up I left.  That was at 1 AM EDT.  About an hour north of Charlotte, NC on I-77 traffic was backed up and not moving when a semi truck  caught fire.  I got to the stopped traffic shortly after it happened. The cops had the Interstate shut down.  The fire trucks were arriving at the same time as I came to a stop.  I was only about 2/10 mile from it but couldn't see anything because of all the stopped traffic ahead of me. I heard one of the tires explode. We sat there not moving for just about 30 minutes.  Once that was over I continued on.  Made it to the Daily terminal in Jacksonville, FL for the night.  504 miles today.  I'll deliver in the morning.   I'm tired!!!   Good night.

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