Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

 I left at 3 AM EDT and drove to North Canton, Ohio, and delivered the excavator.  My next load was up in Austinburg, Ohio.  Drove there and loaded something that does something with railroad track. I have no idea what it does.  It is going to a rail yard in Rockhill Furnace, Pennsylvania.

While loading, somehow one of my trailer tires got cut.

Fortunately, there was a tire shop at the Pilot truck stop about a mile away.  Went there and got a new tire.  Then I headed toward Rockhill Furnace, PA.  Just inside PA on I-80, there was a 5-mile construction back-up of stop-n'-go traffic.  Made it through that and stopped at the TA truck stop in Barkeyville, PA for the night.  495 miles today.  I'm very tired!!!!  Supposed to get some Heavy thunderstorms later tonight.  Had a quick one come through when I was in the shower but they say more are on the way.

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