Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday, November 18, 2022

 When I first saw what was to be tarped I knew exactly what was going to happen.  I was right.  I left at 3 AM EST.  What was normally a four-and-a-half-hour drive took over six and a half hours.  That tarping job looked real nice sitting still, but when I got out on the Interstate it turned into the Goodyear blimp.  Here is what it looked like in my mirrors.

Driver's Side Mirror

Passenger's Side Mirror

To make a very long story short, my Goodyear blimp turned into the Hindenburg!! I stopped along the way many times to fix problems and add more bungee cords.  By the time I got to Illinois, it had completely disintegrated.  I was able to pull off the Interstate and work on it.  Here is what it looked like.  

View From The Front

View From The Rear 

I pulled the tarp totally off.  Throughout the duration of the morning, I had lost about 75 bungee cords, broke 4 straps, wrecked a ratchet, and destroyed the tarp.  This is the thing that was supposed to be tarped.

There is no way a tarp can withstand these.

I continued the rest of the way to delivery that way.  They never said a word about it.  Delivered the thing and got out of there.  Daily didn't make much on this one!!  My next load has a loading appointment Monday morning in Lafayette, Indiana.  I drove to the Flying J truck stop in Lebanon, Indiana, and will be there until then.  That really long hot shower felt great!!!  Now it's time to relax and watch another great Saturday of SEC college football.

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