Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

 As soon as my 10 hours were up, I left.  I drove through the middle of the White Sands Missle Range. Drove 524 miles to Roswell, New Mexico today.  My next load is there on Tuesday.  Last night I sent an email to my dispatcher saying that since I was going to be in Roswell for 4 days, do you think Daily would spring for a hotel?  I gave him my suggestion for the hotel too.  Never thought they would, but you never know if you don't ask.  Well, much to my surprise they did!!  I'm in the Best Western in Roswell.  I also used my points to rent a car for those days too!  Basically, a free mini-vacation!!  Wonder if I'll see any space aliens!! 

OK, now I'll talk about the place I delivered to yesterday.  This place was massively huge!!  They are building four huge data centers there all at the same time.  Each building is about the size of an Amazon Distribution Center except these are two stories tall!!  They are being built by a company that builds and has these places all over the country.  The company, QTS Data Centers, builds these places and then leases "space" to various companies around the world.  They are nothing but computer data storage facilities on a scale that is mind-blowing.  They are spending over a billion dollars just on this Phoenix project alone.  Each building will have at least seven emergency power backup generators like the one I delivered yesterday.  Each generator sits on a diesel fuel tank that holds 10,000 gallons of fuel.  They told me that once the buildings are done the site becomes super secure.  There will be technology going in there that they do not want foreign countries to know about.  The power company built a substation just off the property to supply power to it.  Amazing stuff!!

On a side note, I saw a lot of self-driving cars all around Phoenix.  Weird looking.  They are taxis. 

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