Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not much snow fell last night.  It rained a bit and it is all ice here.  Right now it is a misty rain/snow mix.  Everything around me is solid ice. 

The "Snow Emergency Plan" is in effect.  That means that my oversize permit is not valid until the S.E.P. is lifted so I can't move.  With a valid permit I could only drive until noon today and no driving permitted on Sunday.  I will be here until Monday morning.  Internet connection here is real slow!  I get 3 over the air TV channels so I won't see any football.  Thankfully I have satellite TV!!!

The snow plow came by at about noon.  It took him over three hours to plow the parking lot.

After that it got real foggy!  Could barely see the other end of the parking lot.

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