Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Was at the repair shop at 5:30 this morning to get the trailer lights fixed.  The weather was deteriorating and had gotten very windy.  While the truck was inside I put the tarps on the load.  

Once the lights were fixed I got on the road.  Good thing I tarped, I went through some rain on the way.  Drove down to Kings Mountain, NC and delivered.  Then drove back up to Greensboro, NC for the night.  Tomorrow I load in Winston-Salem, NC.  I am so stiff and sore tonight!!!  The wind is blowing and I'm all settled in waiting for the big storm to get here.  This truck is already rockin' !! This could be a very interesting night!!

Yesterday while I had the big green tractor on the back with a gross weight of 92,600 pounds, this idiot woman cut me off and then hit the breaks just so she could get off at the next exit.  THIS is one of the main reasons big trucks crash.  It is usually not the trucks fault. To view the video in full screen, click in the small box in the lower right corner of the video.  When finished, hit the escape ( Esc ) key on your keyboard and it will return to this screen.

Now here is one from today!  This is EXACTLY why you DO NOT EVER ride in a big trucks blind spot.  Speed up or slow down, but don't just sit there!!! This truck driver never knew she (yes, another woman) was there.  Notice how long she is in his blind spot totally oblivious to the danger she is putting herself in.  Also, she was there a lot longer than I show in the video.  And she will blame the truck driver.


  1. That's some crazy stuff!!

  2. Dave,
    It doesn't matter what country you are in - this problem is universal

    1. I'm sure it is. That was for the non truck driving people. They always think that it is the truck's fault.
