Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

This afternoon I got my next load.  I honestly can't believe that they want me to do this, but my next load is in Waterloo, Iowa.  Yup, that's right!!  They want me to deadhead over 1,800 miles (2897 km)!!!! Since they are paying for the fuel and stuff, I don't really care.  Off I went.

It had been raining all day and still was when I left Sacramento.  By the time I got to about 5,500 feet heading up to Donner on I-80 the rain had changed to snow.  The roads became increasingly worse on the way up.  Took some photos while going up.  Couldn't get any at the top or on the way back down because the conditions were too bad. 

Cal Trans doing their thing

Just before I took this picture a mini van spun out in front of me.  Was able to get around it.

You can see how deep the snow is along here.

This is about 6,500 feet elevation
Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Winnemucca, Nevada.

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