Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Left this morning at sunrise.  Out near the Bonneville Salt Flats is this thing sticking up in the middle of nowhere.  I checked it out, its called "The Tree of Life".  Click here to read some more about this stupid thing.

Had to stop just inside Nevada to move the machine again to make the weight right for Nevada.  After that was done I got back moving again.  Stopped again for that ridiculous required 30 minute break and changed out some pins in the trailer.  California does not like these...

They want bolts instead.

So, after that was done, I left again.  While on the road heard that I-80 was closed in both directions in California due to a mud slide.  I decided not to continue to Reno because all the truck stops would be full by the time I got there.  I stopped at the TA truck stop in Mills City, Nevada.  Good thing I stopped because I had blown a wheel seal and axle grease was all over the back of the truck.  Caught it before it did any damage to anything else.

So, as I am writing this he is working on my truck.  Hope it is finished soon.

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