Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

Rained and cold all day!!  Went back, with my trainee, over to the JLG plant in McConnellsburg, PA and loaded another man lift.

When we got back to Carlisle, unloading didn't go so smoothly.  As I got the wheels to the end of the trailer at the unloading ramp, one side of the trailer sank causing the machine to lean.  Also the trailer ended up being too low for the machine to drive off onto the ramp.  The tire ended half off the trailer.  Was not a good thing!!  

I went inside the shop and got a bunch of help.  They brought a big fork lift out, and to make a long, cold, wet, story short, I was able to drive it off without any further problems.  

After lunch, went back for another.  Loaded another man lift.

When we got back to Carlisle I unloaded it.  The trailer did it again, but this time I was able to compensate for it.  Wasn't easy, but I did it.  Plus this machine was not as heavy as the other one.  After that was done, I dropped the trailer in the yard and was done for the weekend.

I have a new dispatcher starting Monday.  I have been transferred to the Heavy Haul Division.  My truck should be ready Tuesday.  I'll be in the hotel until then.  I have my next two loads lined up already.  First one loads Wednesday.  Looking forward to getting back to a normal routine again. 

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