Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

This morning I left real early and got to Bethlehem, PA right when they opened.  Delivered the fans.  Then drove back to the "home office" in Carlisle, PA.  Dropped off my trailer so it can get serviced.  Then talked to the truck shop guy about my truck.  It has been using a LOT of oil since I got it.  So tomorrow it is going to the shop to get fixed.  Here is where it got yucky.  I had to swap into another truck because my truck was going to be down for at least a week, maybe longer.  They had three available.  One was gross!!  Was one big ash tray.  No way was I going to be in that one.  The other one was a bit better.  The third one was still in the shop in Harrisburg but was ready to be picked up.  Decided I'd wait to see about that one.  It was supposed to be in better shape.  I went with another driver to Harrisburg and picked up the truck and brought it back to Carlisle.   It was OK, not great, just OK. After lunch I started to swap into it.  I was not a happy camper at all.  Just after I got started I was told to go look at another truck.  That truck was going to a Daily driver that had been at Daily for a long time but had quit.  He was coming back and was to get that truck.  Apparently he changed his mind and had just told them he wasn't coming back.  They offered me that truck instead.  I happily took it!!  It was much better.  Spent the rest of the afternoon moving into it.  Only got half of it done.  I'll get the rest of it later.

The only thing is the truck is not ready to go yet.  It has a few mechanical issues so it will be going to the shop to get fixed before I get it.  There is more to the story, but I'll fill you in on more of it tomorrow.  Long day, I'm very tired, my back hurts, and I'm going to bed.  Good night!

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