Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Got up early this morning and finished cleaning all my stuff out of the truck into the new (to me) truck.  Then took the old truck over to Cummins in Harrisburg to the repair shop.  When I got back I took my new truck over to our shop for them to get started on the repairs to it.  They said it would most likely be at least a week before it is done.  Then got the other truck - the one that I was initially going to get yesterday.  I will be using that one until my truck is done in the shop.  Starting tomorrow I will be going with several other trucks to do "shuttle runs" bringing JLG man lifts over to our yard in Carlisle.  More on that tomorrow.
Now I am checked into the Best Western hotel.  Will be "living" here until my truck is done in the repair shop.

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