Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017

This morning left the hotel and drove back to the Daily yard and picked up a step deck trailer.  Then I went with two other trucks over to the JLG plant in McConnellsburg, PA and loaded a JLG fork lift.

Took it back to the Daily yard in Carlisle, PA and dropped it off.  While there picked up a new guy and took him with me to do some training.  Nice guy, but has very little experience with flat bedding and no experience with oversize loads.  That is his back in the photo below.  He was photographing how to secure that load.  Then we went back for another.  This time loaded a JLG  man lift.

Left there and went back to Carlisle and dropped it off.  Done for the day. Went to dinner and then the hotel.  Will do it again tomorrow.  My new guy will be with me again tomorrow too.

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